The Board works to make our neighborhoods better and safer through proactive inspections and outreach to help citizens find code compliance solutions. These inspections ensure that properties meet minimum standards and maximum curb appeal criteria.
Around May 1, MJF Associates personnel will be circulating through our neighborhood doing a visual inspection of the exterior of each townhouse, front and back. Some of the items which catch their attention is peeling paint, trashiness around the yard, unkempt grass and flower beds, broken fencing - just to mention a few.

​Once this phase is completed, written notices will be sent to anyone with an issue or violation and a timeframe within which to correct it. Once corrective action has been taken, you can use the web address listed on the notice to notify MFJ to reinspect or call them at 703 369 6535. If you need more time than allowed within the timeframe designated, contact the Board to ask for an extension, also including an explanation wny you need the extra time..

​If MJF find the corrective action to have been completed, you need do nothing more. But if you do nothing, MJF will reinspect - taking photos - and you may be subject to punitive assessments.

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