1. You are responsible for removing snow and ice from your property.
It is not the recommendation of the SHOA Board or our snow removal company to throw snow back onto the plowed roadways in our community. The snow plow cannot be expected to come back to remove this snow, so it will only freeze on the road making it more difficult for everyone to get around.  The Board asks all residents to please shovel snow onto their own property or the common areas and not onto the roadways and sidewalks.  

2.  VDOT plows many of our main roads but the Board contracts for some.
Our contractor plows the parking bays and narrow streets. You are responsible for clearing around your vehicle.

VDOT plows all state-maintained roadways. Their priority is interstates, then main thoroughfares and secondary roads, and then neighborhood streets. Be prepared to remove the plow ridge next to your vehicle after the plow is finished.

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